Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Whats Replaced 12chan

Your travel left a deep impression, heartfelt, moving.
I grew up with songs and poems of this great woman.
sang, danced, I laughed, I thought, I am excited, the conveyed (to my people and alumnitos), I cried, I came to believe I lived. Analía
Pascana. January 2011

* * *

As the cicada

So many times I killed him,
many times I died, but I am here

resurrected. I thank

misery and hand with dagger
because it killed me so bad,
and kept singing.

Singing in the sun like the cicada
after a year under the ground, like survivor

returning from the war.

So many times I deleted, so
disappeared, my own funeral

was alone and crying. I
knotted handkerchief

but I forgot after that was not the only time, and returned

many times you were killed, resurrected
many, many nights spend

At the time of the wreck
and the darkness

rescue someone to go singing.

María Elena Walsh


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