Monday, May 9, 2011

Two Guys Compare Cock Sizes

ATTENTION: Drug Suspended.

These things do not make the news, because if the pharmaceutical market tremble, but as I'm connected to the world health , I get real information. Do not buy flu. Take only Termalgin or ibuprofen (Dalsy for children).

The Ministry of Health through the (National Health Surveillance Agency) has suspended the distribution, handling, marketing called FENILPROPALAMINA.

The move came after the FDA (Federal Agency of Pharmacy, United States) found that the substance caused fatal adverse effects (cerebral hemorrhage). Is present in 21 medicines, especially anti-influenza.

suspended drugs are:

1) Benadryl day and night.
2) Contac
3) Naldecón Bristol
4) Acolde
5) Rinarín Expectorant
6) DeltaP
7) Desfenil
8) HCl fenilpropalamina
9) Naldex
10) Nasaliv
11) Decongel Plus
12) Sanagripe
13) Descon
14) Descon AP
15) Descon
Expectorant 16) Dimetapp
17) Dimetapp
Expectorant 18) Cepacol Plus
19) Ornatrol
20) AP Rhinex
21) Contilén
22) Decidex
23) Contac 10
24) Desenfriol-D (In photography)
25) Desenfriolito
26) Dimetap
27) Graneodin-D
28) XL3

To all who are using any medications on this list, to stop medication and consult your doctor for details.

SOURCE: Dr. Pilar M. García Arrabal
Dept. Cell Biology, Genetics and Physiology, Faculty of Sciences.
Teatinos Campus, s / n

29071 Málaga University. MÁLAGA. ----------------------------------------------



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