Friday, May 28, 2010

Ostatnia Wieczerza Odbicie

The solution is in the network, and TodoExpertos is who has

TodoExpertos is a virtual help page and that for many brings leadership to the pages of the same type, you can ask todoespertos everything from the most banal to the most complicated and they will find your answer
But it works ?

When you enter the portal you will notice that there is no way to lose and it's really easy to ask a question just register, choose a category (which is closest to your question) and formulate portal administrators will take care of getting it to an expert who will answer at no cost

A Once the person who asked the question reads the response from the expert and thus may qualify the expert depending on the amount of points that holds up the ranks.

But if your case is the opposite and consider yourself an expert on a subject then sign up and help a community eager for your wisdom

TodoExpertos handled in a Rankin of experts based on the scores given by people who ask, but it is banal and acknowledge that fact and the satisfaction of helping is better to be first or last in this Rankin

A couple of interesting features are the automatic response system through instant messaging and maps including for geolocation of experts or the questions made to the experts.

In conclusion c on a million questions addressed each quarter TodoExpertos is a great site easy to use and practical for the community



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